[Photo by MART  PRODUCTION](https://www.pexels.com/photo/person-holding-burning-money-7230878/)

Rising costs of running legacy Amazon RDS systems

Amazon recently faced challenges in maintaining support for legacy Relational Database Service (RDS) systems and even considered upgrading instances forcefully1. This situation is not unique to Amazon; many companies struggle with the costs of maintaining legacy systems. However, as a service provider, Amazon must support older systems as long as there are customers willing to pay for them. In December 2023, Amazon announced1 plans to upgrade legacy RDS instances to versions still under active development, citing the rising costs of maintaining outdated systems. This included versions like MySQL 5.7 and PostgreSQL 10 (or earlier)2. However, instead of enforcing upgrades, Amazon introduced a new support approach: RDS Extended Support. This allows customers to continue using older versions, but with additional costs. ...

2024-04-27 · 3 min · timor

JPGraph, wykresy z PHP’a

Onego czasu próbowałem znaleźć coś co ułatwiłoby mi rysowanie prostych wykresów w PHP’ie inaczej niż z palca w GD. Kumpel polecił mi JPGraph. JPGraph to świetna sprawa, do generowania statystyk jak chociażby na mojej stronie, ale biblioteka potrafi dużo więcej… Załóżmy, że ze stronki zbieramy do bazy takie rzeczy jak: datę, adres IP, ilość połączeń z tego adresu. Prosta tabela (przykład w Postgre SQL’u): CREATE TABLE wizyty ( pid serial NOT NULL, "data" date NOT NULL DEFAULT ('now'::text)::date, odslony integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, CONSTRAINT visits_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id) ); Dane z takiej tabeli można łatwo wyciągnąć jednym select’em: ...

2011-08-29 · 3 min · timor