The Effective Manager: Second Edition

The Effective Manager: Second EditionCompletely Revised and Updated Authors: Mark Horstman, Kate Braun, Sarah Sentes The Effective Manager by Mark Horstman is a practical guide to great management at every level. Based on the author’s experience and the world’s number-one business podcast, Manager Tools, the book teaches four critical behaviors and four major tools that every manager should use. Here are some of the main concepts presented in the book:...

2023-08-17 · 3 min · timor

The Effective Manager

The Effective ManagerAuthor: Mark Horstman I’ve borrowed this one and I liked it so I bought Second Edition . Look for summary there.

2023-05-23 · 1 min · timor

Nowy jednominutowy menedżer

Nowy jednominutowy menedżerAuthors: Blanchard Ken, Spencer Johnson

2023-04-11 · 1 min · timor

Who Moved My Cheese?

Who Moved My Cheese?An Amazing Way to Deal With Change in Your Work and in Your Life Author: Spencer Johnson

2023-03-21 · 1 min · timor

Przywództwo i oszukiwanie samego siebie

Przywództwo i oszukiwanie samego siebieJak uwolnić się z pułapki uprzedzeń Author: Praca zbiorowa

2023-02-25 · 1 min · timor

Zaczynaj od DLACZEGO

Zaczynaj od DLACZEGOJak wielcy liderzy inspirują innych do działania Author: Simon Sinek

2022-12-01 · 1 min · timor

Pięć dysfunkcji pracy zespołowej

Pięć dysfunkcji pracy zespołowejOpowieść o przywództwie Author: Patrick M. Lencioni

2022-11-22 · 1 min · timor


DriveThe Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us Author: Daniel H. Pink Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us is a book that I recently read and found to be highly insightful. The author, Daniel H. Pink, explores the science of motivation and argues that the traditional carrot-and-stick approach is outdated and ineffective. He claims that in today’s rapidly changing and complex world, autonomy, mastery, and purpose are the most important drivers of motivation....

2022-04-19 · 1 min · timor

Od dobrego do wielkiego

Od dobrego do wielkiegoCzynniki trwałego rozwoju i zwycięstwa firm Author: Jim Collins The book is a comprehensive analysis of what makes a good company great, and how organizations can achieve long-term success. Collins and his team conducted extensive research to identify common characteristics and practices among companies that have made the leap from good to great, and the book presents the results of their findings. The book is well-written and provides a wealth of practical insights and advice for organizations looking to improve their performance and achieve lasting success....

2021-10-02 · 1 min · timor


KsiążęAuthor: Nicolo Machiavelli

2021-03-04 · 1 min · timor