Automatic updates of Docker images with Renovate Bot
Learn how to automate Docker image updates using Renovate Bot, a versatile tool that supports various package managers and custom dependency links.
Learn how to automate Docker image updates using Renovate Bot, a versatile tool that supports various package managers and custom dependency links.
Learn the best practices for patching and deprecating Docker images to maintain security and stability in your DevOps workflows.
Learn how to create a fully encrypted ZFS pool on Linux, including steps for generating encryption keys and configuring ZFS for secure data storage.
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I watched nice presentation about how Cloudflare protects itself against DoS. Most of us are not able to do that exactly like them but some of tips were general enough to be used on typical web front server. I took notes from this presentation and presented here. Thanks to Marek agreement I also reposted all examples (in easier to copy paste way). Howto prepare against ACK/FIN/RST/X-mas flood Use conntrack rule: ...