
My pre-commit config for Hugo blog

Learn how to set up and use pre-commit hooks to automate tasks like linting, syntax checks, and optimizations for your Hugo blog.

2024-01-29 · 2 min · timor

Tuning PipeWire for best audio quality on Ubuntu

Learn how to tune PipeWire for the best audio quality on Ubuntu, ensuring optimal sound performance for your Linux system.

2024-01-28 · 8 min · timor
[Generated by AI](https://www.bing.com/images/create/potrzebujc499-obrazek-dla-posta-na-blogu-o-temacie3a-g/1-65b520c6d817444ea0a5f4ed3dd8843a?id=QFgGAr6fEgEMEJSm0T45XQ%3d%3d&view=detailv2&idpp=genimg&FORM=GCRIDP&mode=overlay)

Git hacks - a set of my favorite git aliases

I use Git a lot, even writing this article i will commit text few times. There’s a set of aliases I rely on daily and they’re first I add in new place. Some Git commands are unnecessarily verbose. You can make your life much easier with bash-completions, but if you write it tens of times per day, it’s anyway a lot of typing… and I’m a lazy man 😄 Simple status/log checks git s s = status --short --branch --untracked-files Shows a short, branch-focused status with untracked files. ...

2024-01-27 · 6 min · timor
[Photo by Ann H](https://www.pexels.com/photo/blue-tape-measure-on-yellow-surface-10894941/)

Checking compressed size of Docker image

Learn how to check the compressed size of Docker images to optimize download and startup times, using a simple bash function for accurate measurements.

2024-01-24 · 2 min · timor
[Photo by RealToughCandy.com](https://www.pexels.com/photo/person-holding-a-small-paper-11035539/)

Use Github with SSH on port 443

Learn how to use GitHub with SSH on port 443 to bypass firewall restrictions and ensure seamless repository access.

2023-12-26 · 1 min · timor
[Photo by RealToughCandy.com from Pexels](https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-person-holing-a-sticker-in-close-up-photography-11035380/)

The best way to get NVM working in CI/CD systems

Learn the best way to get NVM (Node Version Manager) working in CI/CD systems, ensuring seamless Node.js version management in your DevOps workflows.

2023-04-25 · 10 min · timor

Ubuntu - Key is stored in legacy trusted.gpg keyring...

Learn how to resolve the “Key is stored in legacy trusted.gpg keyring” warning on Ubuntu 22.04 by properly managing GPG keys for repositories.

2022-10-21 · 3 min · timor
Devoxx 2022

Back on the big stage!

Announcing my return to the big stage with a talk on managing Docker base images at scale, presented at the Devoxx 2022 conference in Kraków.

2022-06-13 · 1 min · timor
[Photo by Markus Winkler from Pexels](https://www.pexels.com/photo/wood-dirty-rope-door-3828944/)

Creating fully encrypted ZFS pool

Learn how to create a fully encrypted ZFS pool on Linux, including steps for generating encryption keys and configuring ZFS for secure data storage.

2021-11-22 · 5 min · timor

Shucking WD Elements 14TB

Learn how to shuck WD Elements 14TB drives for use in a RAID setup, including stress testing and performance considerations for ZFS.

2021-11-12 · 8 min · timor