Delete audio track from mkv file

Lately I tried to remove some streams from MKV file - I wanted: video, audio in my language and no subtitles. I achieved it with mkvtoolnix utils. Firstly I have to identify streams in file: $ mkvmerge -i input_file.mkv File 'test.mkv': container: Matroska Track ID 0: video (V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC) Track ID 1: audio (A_DTS) Track ID 2: audio (A_AC3) Track ID 3: audio (A_DTS) Track ID 4: audio (A_AC3) Track ID 5: subtitles (S_TEXT/UTF8) Track ID 6: subtitles (S_TEXT/UTF8) Chapters: 16 entries You could use more verbose tool mkvinfo for that purpose too....

2013-12-16 · 1 min · timor

Preparing video files for streaming on website in MP4 and WEBM format

Some time ago I prepared a PC that was responsible for batch encoding of movies to formats suitable for web players (such as. Video.js  external link , JW Player  external link , Flowplayer  external link , etc.) I used HandBrake for conversion to MP4 format (becase this soft was the fastest one) and ffmpeg (aka avconv in new version) for two pass encoding to WEBM. Below are commands used by me for that conversion:...

2013-12-16 · 2 min · timor

Running Apache with mod_spdy and PHP-FPM

SPDY is new protocol proposed by Google as an alternative for HTTP(S). Currently Chrome and Firefox browsers are using it as default if available on server. It is faster in most cases by few to several percent. The side effect of using mod_spdy  external link is that it’s working well only with thread safe Apache’s modules. PHP module for Apache is not thread safe so we need to use PHP as CGI or FastCGI service....

2013-12-16 · 3 min · timor

Re-adding failed drive in mdadm

Yesterday I have problem with fglrx witch cause ugly system reset. After that, one of my drives was marked as failed in RAID5 array. Hotspare was automatically used to rebuild array. But this hotspare is the oldest and slowest drive I’ve got… After rebuild I’ve tested failed drive and it was fine - no bad block, no any other issue - so I wanted it running back in array. What I do:...

2013-12-12 · 2 min · timor

Ansible - Dynamicaly update /etc/hosts files on target servers

I was configuring GlusterFS on few servers using Ansible  external link and have a need to update /etc/hosts with hostnames for easier configuration. I found this one working: - name: Update /etc/hosts lineinfile: dest=/etc/hosts regexp='.*{{item}}$' line='{{hostvars.{{item}}.ansible_default_ipv4.address}} {{item}}' state=present with_items: '{{groups.somegroup}}' Source:  external link

2013-12-11 · 1 min · timor

Reset user password in your own Ghost Blog

I’ve started testing new Ghost blogging platform for a while on a virtual machine before I take decision about switching to it (or maybe won’t)… After few days, I wanted to go forward with more testing and stuck on “e-mail and password” login prompt 😃 I’ve started looking into files and found ghost_dir/content/data/ghost-dev.db SQLite database. It can be opened like that: sqlite3 content/data/ghost-dev.db Then you could see whats your mail (and other info):...

2013-11-28 · 1 min · timor

Inodes exhaustion on XFS

It’s quite rare to have problems with XFS and inodes exhaustion. Mostly because XFS doesn’t have inode limit in a manner known from other filesystems - it’s using some percentage of whole filesystem as a limit and in most distributions it’s 25%. So it’s really huge amount of inodes. But some tools and distributions lowered limit ex. 5% or 10% and there you could have problems more often. You could check what is you limit by issuing xfs_info with drive and searching for imaxpct value:...

2013-11-27 · 1 min · timor


I’ve bought a NAS and customized it a little. But there was one thing which make my nights sleepless. NAS was seeking disks every 5~10 seconds - these was really irritating - especially when it was silent in room. I found that part of firmware was indexing or logging something so I wanted it dead! kill -9 was unsuccessful - process restarted after a while…. wrrr… I googled a little and found another signal I could use SIGSTOP, which will freeze process until I send SIGCONT to it - that was exactly what I need (because I normally use NFS/Samba and don’t need nothing more running on this device)....

2013-11-21 · 1 min · timor

My new toy - Iomega StorCenter ix2-200 Cloud Edition

I’ve just bought new toy - Iomega StorCenter ix2-200 Cloud Edition. I have to play with few options before I could start using it. First thing - Firmware upgrade. Firmware upgrade I’ve started searching for latest firmware for ix2-200 Cloud and found that I have to register on Lenovo site to get firmware… I don’t like such sites where they force me to give all private data, but after few clicks on “Recommended articles” on that site I landed here:...

2013-11-19 · 1 min · timor

Reenable web interface on Polycom VBP 5300 ST from CLI

After some configuration changes I’ve stuck with VBP not listening nor on HTTP, nor on SSH port. Last resort was to use CLI to reenable HTTP access. Connect with parameters: Baud rate: 9600 Parity: none Bits: 8 Stopbits: 1 Flow control: none Then in login prompt you have to use login credentials (yes - they’re the same on every box (WTF?)): User: - root Pass: - @#$%^&*!() Password is shift + 2345678190 - there is 1 before 9!...

2013-11-18 · 1 min · timor