Official CentOS 8 Stream Docker image finally available!

Discover the availability of the official CentOS 8 Stream Docker image on, and learn about the transition from Docker Hub and its implications.

2021-07-25 · 2 min · timor

How to remove geo-localization/EXIF data from photos

Learn how to remove geo-localization and EXIF data from photos using ImageMagick on Linux, ensuring privacy before sharing images publicly.

2021-03-05 · 1 min · timor

How to run JMX monitoring in Docker image?

Learn how to run JMX monitoring in a Docker image, including the necessary Java parameters and configuration for connecting to JMX consoles like VisualVM or Jconsole.

2021-02-19 · 1 min · timor

CentOS 8 Stream Docker image

Learn about the creation and optimization of a CentOS 8 Stream Docker image, including steps to squash the image and ensure it is suitable for production workloads.

2021-02-11 · 2 min · timor

How old are Official Docker images?

Discover the age and update frequency of various official Docker images, and learn why it’s important to keep your base images up to date for security and performance.

2021-01-28 · 2 min · timor
[Generated by AI](

Bye Bye Wordpress!

Learn about the transition from Wordpress to Hugo for managing a personal blog, including reasons for the switch and benefits of using a static site generator.

2020-10-24 · 2 min · timor
[Photo by Paul IJsendoorn from Pexels](

Moving from Linux to MacOS – first steps

Learn about the initial steps and adjustments needed when transitioning from a Linux desktop to MacOS for business purposes, including tips on keyboard shortcuts, application compatibility, and system settings.

2020-01-04 · 8 min · timor

Debuging commands running on memcached

I had stragne statistics on one memcached servers. I had to look what it’s doing there. I found such commands that may be used to sniff, extract and make statistics from running memcached server. Debug GET commands tcpflow -c dst port 11211 | cut -b46- | grep ^get cut command will remove 46 bytes at beginning of every string (src, dst, port). You may need to adjust numeric parameter for cut to leave commands only. Output should look like: ...

2016-07-13 · 1 min · timor

How to stole ssh session when you’re root

It happen to me all the time that one of developers notifies me about some kind of problem that I can’t confirm from my account. Sometimes it was because of bad ssh keys configuration, other times file permissions, mostly such stuff. It’s sometimes convenient to “enter into someone’s shoes” to see what’s going on there. If you’re root on machine you may do that like this: su developer - Easy one but that’s not enough for all cases. When you use bastion host (or similar solutions) sometimes users have connection problems and it’s harder to check. When such user have ForwardAgent ssh option enabled you may stole this session to check login problems. After you switch to such user, you may wan’t to hide history (it’s optional 😉 ) - disable history like that: ...

2016-04-27 · 1 min · timor

pip - uninstall package with dependencies

Virtualenvs in python are cheap but from time to time you will install something with pip on your system and when time comes removing all this crap could be difficult. I found this bash snippet1 that will uninstall package with all dependencies: Recursive pip uninstall for dep in $(pip show python-neutronclient | grep Requires | sed 's/Requires: //g; s/,//g') ; do pip uninstall -y $dep ; done pip uninstall -y python-neutronclient Depending how you installed it, you might need to use sudo. ...

2016-04-26 · 1 min · timor