[Photo by Miguel Á. Padriñán](https://www.pexels.com/photo/paper-boats-on-solid-surface-194094/)

New Year's reflections and Leadership path

Reflect on the journey of becoming a Team Lead, balancing technical work with leadership responsibilities, and exploring new ways to solve problems.

2024-01-10 · 1 min · timor
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How to run Google Tasks in separate browser tab?

Learn how to run Google Tasks in a separate browser tab for better task management and integration with Gmail and Calendar.

2024-01-02 · 2 min · timor

How to run Zwift in full screen

Learn how to run Zwift in full screen mode on Windows, eliminating the windowed mode’s start menu and title bar for a more immersive experience.

2023-12-28 · 1 min · timor
[Generated by AI](https://www.bing.com/images/create)

Changing comments provider for my blog

Explore the process of switching comments provider for a Hugo blog, comparing Disqus, Utterances, and Giscus for better user engagement and ad-free experience.

2023-12-26 · 2 min · timor
[Photo by RealToughCandy.com](https://www.pexels.com/photo/person-holding-a-small-paper-11035539/)

Use Github with SSH on port 443

Learn how to use GitHub with SSH on port 443 to bypass firewall restrictions and ensure seamless repository access.

2023-12-26 · 1 min · timor
[Photo by RealToughCandy.com from Pexels](https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-person-holing-a-sticker-in-close-up-photography-11035380/)

The best way to get NVM working in CI/CD systems

Learn the best way to get NVM (Node Version Manager) working in CI/CD systems, ensuring seamless Node.js version management in your DevOps workflows.

2023-04-25 · 10 min · timor
[Photo by Lu Li from Pexels](https://www.pexels.com/photo/men-in-horses-raising-cattles-8916937/)

Change configuration of Docker daemon in Rancher Desktop

Learn how to change the configuration of the Docker daemon in Rancher Desktop on MacOS, enabling experimental features and BuildKit for enhanced functionality.

2023-03-23 · 1 min · timor

Ubuntu - Key is stored in legacy trusted.gpg keyring...

Learn how to resolve the “Key is stored in legacy trusted.gpg keyring” warning on Ubuntu 22.04 by properly managing GPG keys for repositories.

2022-10-21 · 3 min · timor
[Photo by Ghasiq Anjum from Pexels](https://www.pexels.com/photo/metal-trash-bin-on-the-side-of-the-street-12841982/)

Best practices for writing Dockerfiles - Use VOLUME for all mutable, temporary file locations

Learn best practices for writing Dockerfiles by using VOLUME for all mutable, temporary file locations to enhance performance and maintain cleaner images.

2022-09-12 · 2 min · timor
[Photo by Tom Fisk from Pexels](https://www.pexels.com/photo/birds-eye-view-photo-of-freight-containers-2226458/)

Best practices for writing Dockerfiles - Use .dockerignore

Learn best practices for writing Dockerfiles by using .dockerignore to optimize build times and exclude unnecessary files from the build context.

2022-09-11 · 1 min · timor