List octal file permissions in bash

Sometimes it’s easier to use octal file permissions but they’re not so easy to list. I caught myself few times that I didn’t remember how to list them - so this is a reason for that note. stat -c "%a %n" * 755 bin 755 games 755 include Yes, it’s that easy 😃 And here also with human readable attributes: stat -c '%A %a %n' * drwxr-xr-x 755 bin drwxr-xr-x 755 games drwxr-xr-x 755 include

2016-02-24 · 1 min · timor

WordPress with HyperDB on PHP 7.0

I was configuring WordPress with HyperDB  external link plugin on PHP 7.0 but the only I get were constant 500 errors. As I found here  external link PHP 7.0 is not supported by HyperDB for now - it’s rely on mysql php extension but in PHP 7.0 there is only mysqli extension. But few folks fixed it and it’s possible to use it. ...

2016-02-24 · 1 min · timor

Automatically build after file change

I’m playing a lot with Docker lately. Building images, and then rebuilding, and then building again… It’s pretty boring. To automate this task a little I used inotify to build automatically after I changed any file. This trick could be used in many different situations. You will need inotify-tools package: sudo apt-get install -y inotify-tools Then run something like this: while inotifywait -e modify -r .; do docker-compose build; done This commands will rebuild my Docker images after any file change in current directory. Use Ctrl+c to exit from loop. ...

2016-02-23 · 1 min · timor

Install Docker Compose

When I started playing with Docker I was running a lot of commands to build image, delete containers running on old image, run containers based on new image, etc… A lot of log commands with links, volumes, etc… Then I started searching for something to automate this task and here I get to docker-compse command, this is how you may install it: pip install docker-compose And install additional bash completions (run as root): ...

2016-02-12 · 1 min · timor

Manual installation of Docker on Debian/Ubuntu

I’ve played with Docker a little in it early days but didn’t stick for longer with it. It’s stable now so I wanted to check how it’s running now. I really can’t accept this method of installation: curl -fsSL | sh I think that world is going to it’s end when I see such scritps… I prefer to do this manually, knowing exactly what I have to do. Install prerequisites: ...

2016-02-11 · 2 min · timor

Some useful commands in Docker

I started playing with Docker and here I will write some commands that where not so obvious at beginning 😃 List running containers: docker ps List also not running containers: docker ps -a Remove all containers (be careful with that): docker rm $(docker ps -a -q) Remove all images: docker rmi $(docker images -q) Docker won’t remove any old volumes used by containers, so after some time you may be interested in deleting them all: ...

2016-02-11 · 1 min · timor

Mass replace in WordPress posts via MySQL query

I was doing a lot of changes to my old posts, switched to HTTPS, etc. Sometimes it was useful to change some particular text in all my old posts at a time, but there is no such feature in WordPress. But WordPress runs on MySQL and I could use SQL query to update such posts. Make backup - it’s not required but strongly advised 😃 Now use this query as template to replace in place whatever you need: UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = REPLACE(post_content, " ", ""); You should see something like: ...

2016-02-09 · 1 min · timor

Use with Pipelight/Silverlight on Linux/Ubuntu

From few days I have access to UPC’s  external link platform - until now it was useless on Linux. But there is Pipelight that will use Wine to emulate Silverlight on Linux and it’s working pretty well - you’re just few commands away from achieving that: # stop browser killall firefox # remove old version if you have it sudo apt-get remove pipelight Now configure repos and install packages: ...

2016-02-09 · 1 min · timor

Zeitgeist activity.sqlite-wal getting huge

I was looking at backup task running on my desk and saw that it’s spending a lot of time on ~/.local/share/zeitgeist directory. I checked and it had 4.6GB: du -sh ~/.local/share/zeitgeist/* 118M activity.sqlite 44M activity.sqlite.bck 32K activity.sqlite-shm 4,4G activity.sqlite-wal 311M fts.index WTF? Fortunately I found here  external link that I could easily delete some of this: zeitgeist-daemon --quit Now check that it’s not running: ...

2016-02-04 · 1 min · timor

XenServer - export VM to file

Sometime you need to make quick and dirty image backup of VM running on XenServer and this post is about such case 😃 List machines: xl list Name ID Mem VCPUs State Time(s) Domain-0 0 4066 8 r----- 3526567.3 1 4096 4 r----- 3186487.2 2 2048 2 -b---- 920408.2 Now you may export one: xe vm-export filename=/srv/backup/webfront.xva Export succeeded You may also use uuid for that - list machines with xe vm-list (best with less) and then: ...

2016-01-12 · 1 min · timor