Kubernetes Operators
Kubernetes OperatorsAutomating the Container Orchestration Platform Authors: Jason Dobies, Joshua Wood amazon.plamazon.comhelion.pl
Kubernetes OperatorsAutomating the Container Orchestration Platform Authors: Jason Dobies, Joshua Wood amazon.plamazon.comhelion.pl
DriveThe Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us Author: Daniel H. Pink amazon.plamazon.comempik.com Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us is a book that I recently read and found to be highly insightful. The author, Daniel H. Pink, explores the science of motivation and argues that the traditional carrot-and-stick approach is outdated and ineffective. He claims that in today’s rapidly changing and complex world, autonomy, mastery, and purpose are the most important drivers of motivation. ...
Wewnętrzna graKształtowanie psychiki gracza giełdowego Authors: Robert Koppel, Howard Abell amazon.plmaklerska.pl
Projekt JednorożecPowieść o szansie w epoce przewrotów cyfrowych Author: Gene Kim amazon.plhelion.pl
Od dobrego do wielkiegoCzynniki trwałego rozwoju i zwycięstwa firm Author: Jim Collins amazon.plamazon.comempik.com The book is a comprehensive analysis of what makes a good company great, and how organizations can achieve long-term success. Collins and his team conducted extensive research to identify common characteristics and practices among companies that have made the leap from good to great, and the book presents the results of their findings. ...
Miłość i matematykaIstota ukrytej rzeczywistości Author: Edward Frenkel amazon.plempik.com
Inteligentny inwestorNajlepsza książka o inwestowaniu wartościowym Author: Benjamin Graham amazon.plempik.com
Bogaty albo biednyPo prostu różni mentalnie Author: T. Harv Eker amazon.plempik.com
KsiążęAuthor: Nicolo Machiavelli amazon.plempik.com
ErykAuthor: Terry Pratchett amazon.plempik.com