Praca głęboka

Praca głębokaJak odnieść sukces w świecie, w którym ciągle coś nas rozprasza Author: Cal Newport Deep Work is a book written by Cal Newport that explores the concept of deep work and how it can be leveraged to achieve professional success and lead a more fulfilling life. Newport argues that in an increasingly connected and fast-paced world, the ability to focus and produce high-quality work is becoming increasingly valuable and rare....

2023-01-13 · 1 min · timor

Zaczynaj od DLACZEGO

Zaczynaj od DLACZEGOJak wielcy liderzy inspirują innych do działania Author: Simon Sinek

2022-12-01 · 1 min · timor

Pięć dysfunkcji pracy zespołowej

Pięć dysfunkcji pracy zespołowejOpowieść o przywództwie Author: Patrick M. Lencioni

2022-11-22 · 1 min · timor

Starość aksolotla

Starość aksolotlaHardware dreams Author: Jacek Dukaj Starość Aksolotla is a book written by Polish author Jacek Dukaj that I recently had the pleasure of reading. The book is a science fiction novel that explores themes of longevity, immortality, and the meaning of life. The protagonist of the story is a centuries-old axolotl, a species of salamander that is capable of regenerating its limbs and organs, who embarks on a journey of self-discovery as he grapples with the consequences of his own immortality....

2022-11-21 · 1 min · timor

Błądzą wszyscy (ale nie ja)

Błądzą wszyscy (ale nie ja)Dlaczego usprawiedliwiamy głupie poglądy, złe decyzje i szkodliwe działania? Authors: Elliot Aronson, Carol Tavris

2022-11-03 · 1 min · timor

Pułapki myślenia

Pułapki myśleniaO myśleniu szybkim i wolnym Author: Daniel Kahneman

2022-09-07 · 1 min · timor

The three-body problem

The three-body problemAuthor: Cixin Liu The novel is set in the future and follows the discovery of an alien civilization, the Trisolarans, and humanity’s attempts to make contact and defend against them. The book is known for its complex scientific concepts, philosophical ideas, and intricate storyline. Overall, “The Three-Body Problem” has been highly praised by readers and critics for its unique and thought-provoking approach to science fiction. Personally, I found this book to be annoying in a few places, especially when it referred to people’s commitment following government decisions....

2022-09-06 · 1 min · timor

Czy jesteś tym, który puka?

Czy jesteś tym, który puka?Author: Dariusz Użycki

2022-08-13 · 1 min · timor

Kubernetes Operators

Kubernetes OperatorsAutomating the Container Orchestration Platform Authors: Jason Dobies, Joshua Wood

2022-06-22 · 1 min · timor


DriveThe Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us Author: Daniel H. Pink Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us is a book that I recently read and found to be highly insightful. The author, Daniel H. Pink, explores the science of motivation and argues that the traditional carrot-and-stick approach is outdated and ineffective. He claims that in today’s rapidly changing and complex world, autonomy, mastery, and purpose are the most important drivers of motivation....

2022-04-19 · 1 min · timor