The 48 Laws of Power
The 48 Laws of PowerAuthor: Robert Greene Still reading…
The 48 Laws of PowerAuthor: Robert Greene Still reading…
Today, I was trying to pull/push repos from Github and I was getting timeout errors. I use SSH for clonning and I prefer it this way over HTTPS. I was looking for the reason but it felt like a temporary glitch, either on Github’s or my provider’s side. I was googling for anything, that could help me and I found1 the way to use Github ssh clone/push/pull via SSH (as I want), but via port 443… Simulating HTTPS traffic… OK… ...
How to Win Friends & Influence PeopleAuthor: Carnegie Dale The book is written in a typical American style - “do this and that, and your life will change forever…” 😄 Applying the book’s rules too bluntly may come off as manipulative, and our conversation partner will sense it. However, it’s worth considering certain mistakes that make it difficult for us to interact with people, such as when we talk too much and don’t let others get a word in. ...
Lider w trampkachCzyli jak być przywódcą w zgodzie ze sobą Author: Małgorzata Jakubicz
Taka praca nie ma sensuCzyli jak zarządzać swoją energią Author: Tony Schwartz To ciekawa książka, którą o dziwo przeczytałem do końca. Miałem wrażenie, że trochę przeskakuje z tematu na temat, ale pasuje mi to. Czytałem wiele książek szczegółowo opisujących “ten jeden sposób” by rozwiązać wszystkie problemy świata. Ta kompletuje różne pomysły i idee, miksuje i całkiem przyjemnie uogólnia. ...
Collaborating with the EnemyHow to Work with People You Don’t Agree with or Like or Trust Author: Adam Kahane In this book the author, Adam Kahane, presents several key concepts to help individuals navigate collaboration with people they may not agree with, like, or trust. Here are some of the main concepts from the book: Embracing Discomfort: Kahane emphasizes the importance of stepping outside one’s comfort zone when working with people with differing perspectives. Embracing discomfort allows individuals to open up to new ideas and find common ground. ...
Legendarna obsługa klientaTroska jest najważniejsza Authors: Blanchard Ken, Halsey Vicki, Cuff Kathy
The Effective Manager: Second EditionCompletely Revised and Updated Authors: Mark Horstman, Kate Braun, Sarah Sentes The Effective Manager by Mark Horstman is a practical guide to great management at every level. Based on the author’s experience and the world’s number-one business podcast, Manager Tools, the book teaches four critical behaviors and four major tools that every manager should use. Here are some of the main concepts presented in the book: ...
The Effective ManagerAuthor: Mark Horstman I’ve borrowed this one and I liked it so I bought Second Edition . Look for summary there.
TL;DR While reasoning is important, readers may not be interested in all the frustrations I experienced while figuring out how to get things done. If you’re looking for a quick solution, skip to the “What eventually worked?” section. However, if you’re interested in the thought process behind the solution, keep reading. Why? Some might bother why the hell I’d like to make my life so hard? 🤣 We used to use nodeenv external link for that purpose. It provides a simple script that allows to fetch any version of Node. You have to configure PATH variable and you’re done. It’s very simple from the perspective of Docker images operator. There’s one problem with nodeenv comparing it to the nvm - popularity. ...