Nostalgy for old RPG games

I’ve been cleaning up old backups and found few screenshots from Ice Wind Dale, Baldur’s Gate 2 and Throne of Bhaal expansion. I’ve spend many good hours playing those games. I’ve read a dozen books from the Forgotten Realms realm . I remember being in a library (in the game) and spending there quite a lot of time, just to read few books. Playing those games was like a deep dive into the fantasy world, side by side to the characters from the books, or sometime against them....

2024-04-29 · 3 min · timor
[Photo by Pixabay](

Create a Virtual Bookshelf with Hugo and PaperMod

TL;DR If you don’t care about my reasoning, just jump to the description of installation and usage . Click here for a demo . I try to read at least one book each month. It’s not much, but that’s what I can afford. I read a lot of technical books, building my technical skill set, but a lot of random topics from business, psychology or fantasy. It happen to me many times that when I’ve been asked about specific book, I couldn’t remember “Where did I read it?...

2024-04-26 · 4 min · timor

The Culture Map

The Culture MapBreaking Through the Invisible Boundaries of Global Business Author: Erin Meyer Still reading… but already like it!

2024-04-24 · 1 min · timor


RewiredThe McKinsey Guide to Outcompeting in the Age of Digital and AI Authors: Eric Lamarre, Kate Smaje, Rodney Zemmel I’ve heard a lot of strange things about McKinsey, starting with this parody commercial: Then few more facts, but still provided in an amusing way by the John Oliver: It’s not just jokes than worry me, but also some news I’ve read: they had no issues to consult both companies and their regulators at the same time1, they work with tobbaco companies and health industry suggesting ways to profit companies, that might be bad for their clients2, they’re behind OxyContin (opioid) sales turbocharge, which resulted in hundreds of people dead of overdose3, having relationships with authoritarian regimes and more....

2024-04-23 · 2 min · timor

Installing Oracle Instant Client on Ubuntu 24.04

New system, old problems. Getting Oracle Instant Client to work was a trouble 10 years ago and it’s not different today 🤣 There are two ways to install it on Ubuntu/Debian. First is “recommended”, but boring. Second is “crazy”, but have some benefits. As I’m doing it mostly in Docker images, that’s how I will present it. First, check for up to date versions  external link and links on Oracle’s official site....

2024-04-17 · 4 min · timor

Automatically setting 'lastmod' in Hugo pages with Git modification date

Following my recent SEO issues , I’m actively exploring ways to bolster my website’s ranking. One aspect I’m keen to address is expediting Search Engine indexing for pages that have been altered or updated. This is precisely the purpose of Sitemaps, a feature fully supported by Hugo1. However, there’s a limitation in how Hugo handles this by default. It sets the lastmod parameter to either the page’s creation time or the last build time....

2024-03-24 · 2 min · timor
[Photo by Harrison Haines](

How old are Official Docker images? 2024 Edition

Around 3 years ago I’ve checked the age of various base images available on Docker Hub. Curiosity recently got the better of me, prompting another investigation into the current state of affairs. Since then, there have been significant changes: CentOS 8 has reached its end of life  external link , prompting a shift to CentOS 8 Stream  external link , which is also nearing its demise 🤣 OpenJDK images have been deprecated  external link and no longer receiving updates....

2024-03-24 · 2 min · timor

Zed Code Editor as an Atom reincarnation

I was a big fan of the Atom1 code editor, so when it was discontinued and replaced by M$’s VS Code2, I was both sad and dissapointed. While I can admit that VS Code is a solid editor, my personal preference always leaned towards Atom. However, over time, Atom started to feel sluggish. I collected numerous plugins over the years and it began to weigh heavily on performance, not just during startup but also during regular usage....

2024-03-19 · 2 min · timor
[Generated by AI](

Best practices for writing Dockerfiles - Follow "Filesystem Hierarchy Standard"

When it comes to building Docker images, adhering to the “Filesystem Hierarchy Standard”12 can greatly enhance the organization and maintainability of your containers. Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon to encounter Docker images where files are haphazardly scattered across directories, leading to confusion and unnecessary complications. Let’s delve into some best practices to ensure your Dockerfiles follow the FHS guidelines, thus avoiding common pitfalls and streamlining your container development process. Below you can find the most important directories, from the perspective of Docker images....

2024-03-11 · 3 min · timor

Monetize your blog with Ko-fi shortcodes for Hugo sites

Introduction Being the owner of this blog, I often find joy in revisiting past endeavors that may no longer be part of my daily work. From fine-tuning website performance to delving into the intricacies of SEO, I relish the opportunity to explore various aspects of digital craftsmanship. One aspect that particularly piques my interest is finding creative ways to monetize my blog without resorting to intrusive advertisements. As a steadfast supporter of Open Source principles, I value the ability for people to express their appreciation through voluntary contributions or tips, on their own terms....

2024-03-08 · 3 min · timor