Pułapki myślenia
Pułapki myśleniaO myśleniu szybkim i wolnym Author: Daniel Kahneman amazon.plamazon.comempik.com
Pułapki myśleniaO myśleniu szybkim i wolnym Author: Daniel Kahneman amazon.plamazon.comempik.com
The three-body problemAuthor: Cixin Liu amazon.plamazon.comempik.comhelion.pl The novel is set in the future and follows the discovery of an alien civilization, the Trisolarans, and humanity’s attempts to make contact and defend against them. The book is known for its complex scientific concepts, philosophical ideas, and intricate storyline. Overall, “The Three-Body Problem” has been highly praised by readers and critics for its unique and thought-provoking approach to science fiction. ...
Dowiedz się, jak skasować ostrzeżenie wymiany oleju w samochodzie Ford S-MAX, wykonując kilka prostych kroków.
Czy jesteś tym, który puka?Author: Dariusz Użycki empik.comdariuszuzycki.com
Kubernetes OperatorsAutomating the Container Orchestration Platform Authors: Jason Dobies, Joshua Wood amazon.plamazon.comhelion.pl
Announcing my return to the big stage with a talk on managing Docker base images at scale, presented at the Devoxx 2022 conference in Kraków.
DriveThe Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us Author: Daniel H. Pink amazon.plamazon.comempik.com Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us is a book that I recently read and found to be highly insightful. The author, Daniel H. Pink, explores the science of motivation and argues that the traditional carrot-and-stick approach is outdated and ineffective. He claims that in today’s rapidly changing and complex world, autonomy, mastery, and purpose are the most important drivers of motivation. ...
Wewnętrzna graKształtowanie psychiki gracza giełdowego Authors: Robert Koppel, Howard Abell amazon.plmaklerska.pl
Explore the slow decline of streaming services like Netflix and HBO, and how the fragmentation of content across multiple platforms affects user experience.
Projekt JednorożecPowieść o szansie w epoce przewrotów cyfrowych Author: Gene Kim amazon.plhelion.pl