[Photo by Pixabay](https://www.pexels.com/photo/white-moth-orchids-87016/)

Ładne kwiatki - czyli wywód o pielęgnacji roślin doniczkowych

Dowiedz się, jak pielęgnować rośliny doniczkowe, takie jak storczyki, skrzydłokwiaty i fikusy, aby zapewnić im zdrowy wzrost i piękny wygląd.

2024-01-14 · 15 min · timor

Maximizing page performance and security with Cloudflare tuning

Learn how to maximize page performance and security by tuning Cloudflare settings, specifically for a statically generated blog hosted on GitHub Pages.

2024-01-11 · 8 min · timor
[Photo by Miguel Á. Padriñán](https://www.pexels.com/photo/paper-boats-on-solid-surface-194094/)

New Year's reflections and Leadership path

Reflect on the journey of becoming a Team Lead, balancing technical work with leadership responsibilities, and exploring new ways to solve problems.

2024-01-10 · 1 min · timor
[Generated by AI](https://www.bing.com/images/create/simple-banner-with-google-tasks-app/1-65940f85b6504d059823250a32dd02b2?id=CvOiYwmmEdpaO0kkQeggpA%3d%3d&view=detailv2&idpp=genimg&FORM=GCRIDP&mode=overlay)

How to run Google Tasks in separate browser tab?

Learn how to run Google Tasks in a separate browser tab for better task management and integration with Gmail and Calendar.

2024-01-02 · 2 min · timor

How to run Zwift in full screen

Learn how to run Zwift in full screen mode on Windows, eliminating the windowed mode’s start menu and title bar for a more immersive experience.

2023-12-28 · 1 min · timor

The 48 Laws of Power

The 48 Laws of PowerAuthor: Robert Greene amazon.comamazon.plempik.com The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene is a controversial yet widely read book on strategy, influence, and manipulation. It presents historical examples to illustrate how power operates in different settings, from politics to business and beyond. While some readers treat it as a guide for personal success, others see it as a cautionary analysis of how power-hungry individuals operate. ...

2023-12-26 · 2 min · timor
[Photo by RealToughCandy.com](https://www.pexels.com/photo/person-holding-a-small-paper-11035539/)

Use Github with SSH on port 443

Learn how to use GitHub with SSH on port 443 to bypass firewall restrictions and ensure seamless repository access.

2023-12-26 · 1 min · timor

How to Win Friends & Influence People

How to Win Friends & Influence PeopleAuthor: Carnegie Dale amazon.comempik.com The book is written in a typical American style - “do this and that, and your life will change forever…” 😄 Applying the book’s rules too bluntly may come off as manipulative, and our conversation partner will sense it. However, it’s worth considering certain mistakes that make it difficult for us to interact with people, such as when we talk too much and don’t let others get a word in. ...

2023-12-14 · 6 min · timor

Lider w trampkach

Lider w trampkachCzyli jak być przywódcą w zgodzie ze sobą Author: Małgorzata Jakubicz empik.com

2023-10-22 · 1 min · timor

Taka praca nie ma sensu

Taka praca nie ma sensuCzyli jak zarządzać swoją energią Author: Tony Schwartz amazon.plempik.com To ciekawa książka, którą o dziwo przeczytałem do końca. Miałem wrażenie, że trochę przeskakuje z tematu na temat, ale pasuje mi to. Czytałem wiele książek szczegółowo opisujących “ten jeden sposób” by rozwiązać wszystkie problemy świata. Ta kompletuje różne pomysły i idee, miksuje i całkiem przyjemnie uogólnia. ...

2023-10-21 · 1 min · timor