Ansible - ssh pipelining

In recent Ansible update to 1.5 version there is really nice feature ssh pipelining. This option is serious alternative to accelerated mode. Just add to you config file (ex. ~/.ansible.cfg): [ssh_connection] pipelining=True Now run any playbook - you will see the difference 😄 Source (and extended info about):  external link

2014-03-04 · 1 min · timor

Chrusty, faworki

To najlepszy przepis na chrusty jaki znam - wychodzą bardzo kruche i delikatne. Składniki 4 zółtka, 4 łyżki wina białego lub czerwonego, 4 łyżki mąki. Sposób przygotowania Wszystkie składniki wymieszać i wyrobić. Ciasto powinno być mniej wiecej takie jak na pierogi. Bić pałką/wałkiem, składać na pół i tak kilka razy przez ok 5 minut. Potem ciasto rozwałkować bardzo cieniutko i wykrawać chrusty, małe bo mocno rosną. Następnie wrzucać na rozgrzany olej/smalec. ...

2014-02-26 · 1 min · timor

Comparing two lists in bash

I had quite simple task - compare two lists of hosts and check if hosts from first one are also on the second one. I started with diff: diff -u biglist.txt hosts_to_check.txt | grep -E "^\+" It was fine but output needs some filtering to get what I want. I’ve found another example with grep: grep -Fxv -f biglist.txt hosts_to_check.txt | sort -n This will search for all lines in hosts_to_check.txt which don’t match any line in biglist.txt. So after this I’ve got list of hosts that I have to check. That’s exactly what I need 😄 ...

2014-02-18 · 1 min · timor

Change default WSUS port from 8530 to 80 on Windows Server 2012

Learn how to change the default WSUS port from 8530 to 80 on Windows Server 2012, ensuring compatibility with older configurations and resolving IPv6-only issues.

2014-01-24 · 1 min · timor

Debian - Upgrade MySQL to MariaDB

After reading some good opinions about MariaDB I wanted to give it a try. Upgrade looks quite straight forward but I found some issues a little tricky. Installation Add repo and key: cat > /etc/apt/sources.list <<SRC deb wheezy main deb-src wheezy main SRC (find more repositories here  external link ) Now install MariaDB: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install mariadb-server It could be better to install mariadb-server-5.5 and mariadb-client-5.5 package instead, because of this error  external link . ...

2014-01-24 · 1 min · timor

Nginx - enabling SPDY with freeware certificate

I was thinking about allowing access to my website using SPDY protocol for better performance and security (and for fun of course 😃 ). But SPDY have one disadvantage - you need SSL certificate signed by known authority that will verfiy in common browsers. So you can’t use self signed certificates because everyone will see a warning entering your site. Certs are quite expensive so I started searching for free one and to my surprise I found such! ...

2014-01-24 · 2 min · timor

Searching for better code editor

I’ve been using different code editors for different purposes. Gedit was fine for small scripts but not for bigger projects. It lacks intelligent code completion (function/class names, etc.). I was searching for convenient editor for Python, Perl, Ruby with support for frameworks like Django, Rails, etc. I know Sublime Text - but it’s paid  external link . There is LimeText  external link - open source clone, but it’s not ready to be used on daily basics. ...

2014-01-24 · 2 min · timor

Manage Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2 in WSUS 3.0

After connecting few computers with Windows 8.1 to domain we found that these computers are not recognized or recognized as Windows 6.3 (which is true) on WSUS 3.0 running on Windows Server 2008. The bad thing was that they can’t properly report to WSUS and get updates from it. I found that there are two updates that have to be installed (but they’re not working without additional steps):  external link  external link After installation of second update there are two additional steps that have to be performed to get WSUS working: ...

2014-01-16 · 1 min · timor

Regenerate thumbnails in Shotwell 0.15 (for last month)

I love Shotwell  external link for it’s simplicity and easy export to Piwigo  external link . After Christmas I added new photos to my library but after that I made some modifications to them (red eye reduction, etc…). Because Shotwell generate thumbnails only on import, all my modifications were not visible on preview. ...

2014-01-08 · 1 min · timor

Loop unlooping in Javascript

Few days ago I’ve read a book ‘Even Faster Web Sites‘ about websites optimisation and I found one thing usefuluseful, not only on websites. There was a small tip about looploop unlooping. I want to quote them for later use. First - with switch statement var iterations = Math.ceil(values.length / 8); var startAt = values.length % 8; var i = 0; do { switch(startAt) { case 0: process(values[i++]); case 7: process(values[i++]); case 6: process(values[i++]); case 5: process(values[i++]); case 4: process(values[i++]); case 3: process(values[i++]); case 2: process(values[i++]); case 1: process(values[i++]); } startAt = 0; } while(--iterations > 0); Second - without switch var iterations = Math.floor(values.length / 8); var leftover = values.length % 8; var i = 0; if(leftover > 0) { do { process(values[i++]); } while(--leftover > 0); } do { process(values[i++]); process(values[i++]); process(values[i++]); process(values[i++]); process(values[i++]); process(values[i++]); process(values[i++]); process(values[i++]); } while (--iterations > 0); I found second example more readable and I prefer it. These examples after translation could be easily used in other scripting languages. ...

2014-01-07 · 1 min · timor