The Man Who Broke Capitalism

The Man Who Broke CapitalismHow Jack Welch Gutted the Heartland and Crushed the Soul of Corporate America and How to Undo His Legacy Author: David Gelles David Gelles’ The Man Who Broke Capitalism resonated with me on multiple levels, as both an employee and an investor. Working in a company recently acquired by private equity funds, I see firsthand the same profit-maximizing tactics Jack Welch pioneered at General Electric. The relentless drive to squeeze margins, cut costs, and justify layoffs under the guise of efficiency feels eerily familiar. Having just survived my company’s first round of layoffs - an unprecedented event in our history - I can’t help but notice how our use of the vitality curve  external link mirrors the logic Welch popularized. What once seemed like a system for rewarding performance now feels like a mechanism priming us for workforce reductions. ...

2025-03-04 · 3 min · timor

ata1.00: failed command: READ FPDMA QUEUED

Learn how to resolve the “ata1.00: failed command: READ FPDMA QUEUED” error on Ubuntu by adjusting SATA power management settings.

2025-02-24 · 3 min · timor

Best Loser Wins

Best Loser WinsWhy Normal Thinking Never Wins the Trading Game - Written by a High-Stake Day Trader Author: Tom Hougaard Tom Hougaard’s “Best Loser Wins” offers a refreshingly honest look at the realities of trading. It’s not a traditional “how-to” guide packed with technical analysis or a magic formula for success. Instead, it’s an introspective journey of a trader, highlighting the mindset and discipline required to navigate the often unforgiving world of financial markets. ...

2025-01-23 · 2 min · timor
[Photo by Pixabay](

Efficient Dockerfile templating for complex build scenarios

Why even consider templating Dockerfiles? Dockerfiles revolutionized the industry with their simplicity. Each instruction creates a new layer in the image, which is automatically cached. This process integrates well with SCM, where you “commit” the results of one stage and move forward with other changes. The process can be easily parameterized with ARG instructions, similar to ENV but provided during the build. This allows for creating highly flexible builds. For most users, this is more than sufficient. However, there’s a notable exception: Docker base images. ...

2025-01-01 · 14 min · timor

The Crowd

The CrowdA Study of the Popular Mind Author: Gustave Le Bon Gustave Le Bon’s “The Crowd - A Study of the Popular Mind” is often hailed as a classic exploration of crowd psychology, but for me, it fell short of expectations. While it does delve into the dynamics of how crowds think and act, it focuses more on describing their irrationality and susceptibility to influence rather than offering practical insights on managing or guiding them. ...

2024-12-16 · 2 min · timor

Turn the Ship Around!

Turn the Ship Around!A True Story of Building Leaders by Breaking the Rules Author: L. David Marquet If you’re too lazy (or busy 😉) to read the book, check video below: It provides the core information, that in depth is described in the book. ...

2024-12-10 · 1 min · timor

Why Should Anyone Be Led by You?

Why Should Anyone Be Led by You?What It Takes to Be an Authentic Leader Authors: Rob Goffee, Gareth Jones The book explores the concept of “authentic leadership” across different levels of personal and professional development. Unlike many leadership books that focus solely on top-level executives like CEOs or CTOs, this one avoids glorifying their paths, which often stem from unique circumstances or luck—factors that are difficult to replicate. ...

2024-09-16 · 1 min · timor
[Photo by Lukas](

Fix 'Cannot Rebase Onto Multiple Branches' error once and for all

A Guide to using git pull --rebase effectively Using git pull --rebase as your default merge strategy offers several benefits, particularly in maintaining a clean and linear commit history, which can simplify collaboration and code review. However, you may occasionally encounter the error “Cannot rebase onto multiple branches”. This article explains why this happens and provides a solution to make git pull --rebase work seamlessly. Benefits of git pull --rebase Linear History: Rebasing applies your local commits on top of the upstream changes, creating a straight line of commits without unnecessary merge commits. This makes the project history easier to read and understand. ...

2024-05-27 · 2 min · timor
[Photo by @felipepelaquim](

Remove password from PDF documents

Learn how to remove passwords from PDF documents using the qpdf tool on Linux, making it easier to read protected files on devices like the Pocketbook Touch HD.

2024-05-27 · 1 min · timor

The Art of Being Right

The Art of Being Right38 Ways to Win an Argument Author: Artur Schopenhauer “The Art of Being Right” by Arthur Schopenhauer is an interesting exploration of rhetoric and the art of winning arguments. In this work, Schopenhauer outlines 38 stratagems for convincing opponents and prevailing in debates, often irrespective of the truth. His analysis is rooted in the belief that people are more interested in winning arguments than seeking truth. ...

2024-05-20 · 3 min · timor