After connecting few computers with Windows 8.1 to domain we found that these computers are not recognized or recognized as Windows 6.3 (which is true) on WSUS 3.0 running on Windows Server 2008. The bad thing was that they can’t properly report to WSUS and get updates from it.

I found that there are two updates that have to be installed (but they’re not working without additional steps):

After installation of second update there are two additional steps that have to be performed to get WSUS working:

Reindex the WSUS Database

To do this perform these steps:

  • Copy sript from this siteexternal link to file named WsusDBMaintenance.sql
  • Install sqlcmd from this site - search for file named like “SQLServer2005_SQLCMD” with proper architecture (x86/amd64/ia64)
  • run:
    sqlcmd -S np:\\.\pipe\MSSQL$MICROSOFT##SSEE\sql\query -i C:\path to script saved in first point\WsusDBMaintenance.sql
  • Use WSUS Server Cleanup Wizard

Done. Your WSUS will not recognize 8.1 clients but will work with them and serve updates.

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