If you administer even a small mail server, you are surely aware that you cannot monitor logs in real-time. It is difficult to catch, for instance, a problem in communication with a certain domain. It is also hard to estimate the scale of traffic on the server in terms of both the number and volume of emails. It’s challenging to choose the domains for which it would be worthwhile to disable greylisting, etc…

Fortunately, there is a tool called pflogsumm1 that can generate quite comprehensive statistics from Postfix logs. This is very useful for the daily review of the “health status” of the mail server.

An example snippet of statistics from a small server looks like this:

Przykładowy raport
Postfix log summaries for Jul  4

Grand Totals

   1158   received
   1261   delivered
      0   forwarded
      5   deferred  (50  deferrals)
      2   bounced
    392   rejected (23%)
      0   reject warnings
      0   held
      0   discarded (0%)

 164898k  bytes received
 242985k  bytes delivered
    201   senders
     77   sending hosts/domains
    354   recipients
     51   recipient hosts/domains

Per-Hour Traffic Summary
    time          received  delivered   deferred    bounced     rejected
    0000-0100          26         28          2          0          7
    0100-0200          14         18          3          0         10
    0200-0300           4          4          1          0          8
    0300-0400           6          6          1          0          8
    0400-0500           4          4          0          0          8
    0500-0600           2          2          1          0          9
    0600-0700           8          8          1          0          9
    0700-0800          16         18          1          0         10
    0800-0900          58         60          1          0          8
    0900-1000         104        110          5          0         17
    1000-1100         132        152          2          0         18
    1100-1200         106        106          1          0         31
    1200-1300          64         70          2          0          9
    1300-1400         112        132          2          0         14
    1400-1500          98        106          1          0         78
    1500-1600          86         88          2          0         32
    1600-1700          56         56          3          0         23
    1700-1800          58         77          5          2         19
    1800-1900          36         36          3          0         16
    1900-2000          26         26          2          0         24
    2000-2100          48         50          3          0          9
    2100-2200          32         42          2          0         10
    2200-2300          34         34          3          0         10
    2300-2400          28         28          3          0          5

Host/Domain Summary: Message Delivery
 sent cnt  bytes   defers   avg dly max dly host/domain
 -------- -------  -------  ------- ------- -----------
    132     5688k       0     1.7 s   11.0 s  gmail.com
    104     2633k       0     4.6 s    2.8 m  wp.pl
     68     1525k       0     1.3 s    9.4 s  interia.pl
     42      744k      21     1.1 s   83.6 h  o2.pl
     30    89891        0     0.7 s    2.6 s  op.pl
     29     6677k       1    16.1 s    7.4 m  poczta.onet.pl
     26      540k       0     1.9 s    6.7 s  poczta.fm

Host/Domain Summary: Messages Received
 msg cnt   bytes   host/domain
 -------- -------  -----------
     50     4142k  gmail.com
     46   491259   facebookmail.com
     38     1446k  wp.pl
     22    13520k  interia.pl
     14      675k  o2.pl
     10   105377   poczta.fm
     10    57713   hotmail.com
... and many more ...

Installation on Debian:

apt-get install pflogsumm

For testing purposes, you can run the command as follows:

Sample invocation
sudo pflogsumm -i -d yesterday /var/log/mail.log /var/log/mail.log.1

In my case, I rotate the logs daily at around 2:00 AM, so I specify two log file paths (the current and the previous day’s logs) so those two hours don’t slip by 😉

The above command will output the statistics in the form of nicely formatted text tables to the standard output. It’s worth looking into the other command parameters - you can use them to exclude statistics that do not interest you or change the default order.

Now, it’s worth setting up periodic reporting. Edit cron:

sudo crontab -e

To generate statistics, it’s best to choose a time when the server is less loaded (@daily means midnight), because the process of preparing them will significantly burden the CPU. Enter the command along with the parameters of interest:

Cron Invocation Example
@daily /usr/sbin/pflogsumm -i --problems_first --no_bounce_detail \
         --no_deferral_detail -d yesterday \
         /var/log/mail.log /var/log/mail.log.1 | \
         mail -e -s "Mail Statistics at `uname -n`" postmaster

The next day, we will receive our statistics.

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